~~ Q&A with Shelia Davis ~~
If you had to describe yourself, and you could only use three words, what would those three words be?
Passionate. Loyal. Energetic.
Why do you feel a children's museum is important to a community?
I believe our children are our future. It’s the community’s responsibility to provide a nurturing and caring environment for them to grow.
What inspires you?
My love of God coupled with my three beautiful children and my wonderful family and friends.
If you could offer just one piece of advice to anyone, what would it be?
Be true to yourself.
What are your pet peeves?
Dishonest and unkind people. People who don’t stay true to themselves.
~~ ...and let’s get a bit more personal! ~~
Do you sing in the shower?
What's the one thing you can't live without?
Norman Love Chocolates and red wine
Note to Risa… if you’d like an icebreaker to say hello to this gracious big wig, offer her Norman Love Chocolates!
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks, or hardcover?
~~ Time for a little local promotion! ~~
What is the name of the last restaurant where you ate dinner?
Sea Salt of Naples
We love Sea Salt of Naples! Oooooh, maybe one day we’ll rub shoulders with her there!
~~ Fast Facts ~~
Coffee or tea? Coffee
Morning or night? 24/7
Rivers or oceans? Oceans
Beaches or pools? Beaches
Dark or milk chocolate? Dark
Health food or junk food? Health food
Flowers or chocolates? Both
Cupcakes or ice cream? Grace & Shelly's cupcakes
Laptop or desktop? Laptop
Casual or couture? Couture
Ponytail or headband? Ponytail
Motorcycle or bicycle? Bicycle
Shelia sounds like the friend every woman should have! Loyal, caring about the community, staying true to herself… Norman Love, red wine, and Grace & Shelly’s cupcakes!
But here’s what makes her a supernova on our radar:
Shelia Davis is a competitive ballroom dancer!!! How seriously awesome is that?!? She began dancing three years ago, turning competitive one year later.
Of course we wanted to know which dance was her favorite, but she loves all the dances. For her, it’s all about the music. When she connects to a perfect song, then that dance is her favorite.
As always, thanks for stopping by the blog! We hope to see you at The Golisano Children's Museum's Big Wigs Night at the Museum on Saturday, February 7, 2015. For tickets, sponsorship, or more information, please visit www.cmon.org or call 239-260-1714.
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